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We are happy to announce that Kristin Sandtorv joins Skyfri as the company CFO from October 3rd. Kristin has previously worked as a Senior Investment Manager at Norfund, M&A at SNPower and with renewable energy at J.P.Morgan. She will take part of the Skyfri Headquarters in Oslo, Norway.
It’s been a privilege to work at Norfund for 8 years, and see the emergence of the impact investing sector, and I’m incredibly grateful for the amazing colleagues and companies I’ve worked with during this time.
Going forward, I will have the opportunity to return to renewable energy, and I’m really excited to join one of the most innovative entrepreneurial teams in the clean tech industry. Starting at Skyfri as their new CFO, I really look forward to working with Murshid, Pratik, Petter and Aslan, and aiming to become the No. 1 solution for solar asset operations and maintenance!
– Kristin
Any inquiries may be sent to Kristin by email.
Any question regarding Skyfri’s press releases can be forwarded to:
Murshid M. Ali
+47 480 77 002
Ingrid Olsen Finvåg
Marketing Manager
+47 414 98 797
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